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New treatment can reduce loose and saggy skin without surgery

New treatment can reduce loose and saggy skin without surgery

(Marina Demeshko/

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Once you hit your 30s and beyond, your skin changes. Some turn to creams, others turn to plastic surgeons. If you wanted to tighten up your face and remove sagging skin, it could cost you more than $8,000, and that excludes anesthesia and operating costs, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Not only do facelifts cost thousands, they also come with painful recovery periods.

If you're not in the market for a surgical facelift, but would still benefit from tighter facial skin, there's an in-office procedure that might be the treatment for you.

Trilogy Medical Center is the first medical spa in Utah to offer a groundbreaking new treatment called Ellacor. This procedure helps to remove sagging skin without any surgery. If you have mid- to lower-face wrinkles or excess skin and want a less invasive option, here's everything you need to know about Ellacor.

How Ellacor's breakthrough treatment works

As you age, skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag. Loose skin can also be the result of weight loss. A recent Harvard article explains what happens to the fat that makes your skin look youthful and healthy.

"When we're young, fat in the face is evenly distributed, with some pockets that plump up the forehead, temples, cheeks, and areas around the eyes and mouth," Harvard Health says. "With age, that fat loses volume, clumps up, and shifts downward, so features that were formerly round may sink, and skin that was smooth and tight gets loose and sags. Meanwhile other parts of the face gain fat, particularly the lower half, so we tend to get baggy around the chin and jowly in the neck."

Ellacor reduces the appearance of sagging skin in a revolutionary way. The machine utilizes tiny hollow-core needles to extract miniscule cores of skin from sagging areas. This improves the appearance of wrinkles without any evidence of scarring.

The needles used are similar to microneedling but offer a different effect. Microneedling uses small needles to injure the tissue, but skin is not removed. Ellacor is the first device to actually remove skin on the microscale. After multiple sessions of Ellacor, the results are comparable to a mini facelift in terms of the amount of skin removed.

Jill Waibel, M.D.
Jill Waibel, M.D. (Photo: Ellacor)

The Trilogy Medical Center experience

Trilogy Medical Center is the place to go for aesthetic procedures performed by licensed professionals in a relaxing environment. By being the first med spa in Utah to offer Ellacor, Trilogy stays at the forefront of new treatments and advancements.

"We are so excited for this machine and the results it can bring for clients," Trilogy Medical Center's NP Lauren Muir says. "Since there is a huge push with weight loss, those who suffer from sagging skin can greatly benefit from a treatment like this"

Additionally, micro-coring doesn't require surgery or anesthesia. Recovery time ranges from just a few days to a few weeks. This can vary since everyone's skin heals at different rates. The procedure is performed by a licensed nurse at Trilogy and patients will be supported with pre-treatment and post-treatment care.

Ellacor procedures are typically completed between 90 minutes to two hours. You're sure to be amazed by the results!

"This treatment is so exciting because it can give the appearance of a facelift but with no scars, no surgery, no anesthetic resulting in less downtime," Trilogy's CEO and owner Alexis Nelson says.

Book a consultation today

If you think you might be a candidate for Ellacor, schedule a consultation now on Trilogy Medical Center's website. You'll be on your way to enjoying younger-looking skin with a fraction of the downtime that comes with more invasive procedures.

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