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Get your own copy of 'Putting on Christ' for free: Here's how

Get your own copy of 'Putting on Christ' for free: Here's how

(Vescovo Buonarroti Art, LLC)

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"Putting on Christ" seeks to inspire those who are diligent truth seekers. And for a limited time, readers can get a free e-book version.

Life is a journey. For many Christian believers—including members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—part of that journey is intended to include a spiritual rebirth at some point.

"The journey of faith is a journey that has an intended destination. And that destination is one that leads the diligent seeker to a spiritual baptism performed by God, an actual redemption in Christ, resulting in an absolute perfect knowledge of Him," says the author. Jesus taught in the book of John that this spiritual baptism or being "born of the Spirit," is essential to "enter the Kingdom of God" (John 3:5).

LDS author Steven Anthony Bishop's new book "Putting on Christ" highlights the doctrine of Christ which outlines the steps to receive that spiritual baptism or "baptism by fire" by telling the heartfelt stories of nine different people who came to know God through this "like" experience. The book, which one reviewer called "soul stretching and heart breaking," is intended to be a guide on the reader's journey of coming to know God with a "perfect brightness" and clarity.

The author witnesses that "the same experience obtained by the original apostles on the day of Pentecost, as well as those manifestations obtained during the days of Kirtland, can and indeed must be ours–that God is not a respecter of persons. All it takes is a diligence in seeking Him with a diamond-hard desire, will, and resolve until we find Him."

If you are a fan of uplifting religious and spiritual works, as well as awe-inspiring personal stories of actual redemption, you'll want to add "Putting on Christ" to your nightstand reading pile.

Heaven isn't too far away

The world has long been fascinated by stories of people who've had life-altering, near-death experiences. The past decade alone brought three separate New York Times bestselling memoirs (one of which went on to become a movie) all based on near-death experiences that showed the recipients proof of God and heaven.

For a country that many say is no longer interested in religion, the success of these stories says otherwise.

Get your own copy of 'Putting on Christ' for free: Here's how
Photo: Vescovo Buonarroti Art, LLC

An article written by Gideon Lichfield in The Atlantic says, "Many NDErs report that their experience did not feel like a dream or a hallucination but was, as they often describe it, 'more real than real life.' They are profoundly changed afterward, and tend to have trouble fitting back into everyday life."

But what if you didn't have to go through an NDE to have such a profound experience ensuring you know, without a doubt, that God is real? The stories told in "Putting on Christ" are of people who came to know Jesus Christ with the same surety as someone who saw heaven.

Bishop says, "In either scenario, one can never be the same thereafter. Each will have received "'a mighty change' or conversion of the heart towards God." Bishop emphasizes that Spiritual Rebirth is not the same as an NDE, but rather, the same "knowledge of God" obtained during an near-death experience is on par or similar to many who have come to know God through Spiritual Rebirth."

A perfect knowledge

One of the nine stories written about in "Putting on Christ" is part of Bishop's own experience spoken of in the Introduction..

"The Oneness experienced was not just with the Deity as we know Them to be, and They are real," he writes, "But a Oneness seemingly with all of nature and the physical and spiritual world around me as well." It was this experience that ultimately led Bishop to begin this book and share his story.

It is the author's hope that readers will do more than just read the book, but rather use it as a study guide—along with the pertinent doctrine of Christ—to aid the reader's personal journey in coming to know the Lord. Diligent Truth seekers can obtain that perfect knowledge of Him through a spiritual manifestation wrought in power by the Holy Ghost, Bishop says.

One story told in "Putting on Christ" is that of Church of Jesus Christ President Lorenzo Snow. Another details a man who hit rock bottom in prison as a teenager and cried out to God—and received salvation.. One tells of a man who lost his son to suicide and was met with an unmistakable, audible voice, followed by a spiritual immersion in God after turning to Him in the depths of his agony.

"This work… is not merely a book to be read, but one to be experienced and lived. It's my life's calling to write," Bishop says in the introduction.

How to get your free copy

If you are on a journey of coming to know Christ, or if you're curious to hear more of the stories above, you can order your own free e-book copy.

"Putting on Christ" is an Amazon No. 1 National Bestseller in nine categories and is a top seller among Latter-day Saint-authored books on Amazon. All profits from the book will go toward remarketing of the book as well as helping to feed and shelter the homeless.

In the words of the author, "The path is real and He is coming. Waste no time." Pick up your copy of "Putting on Christ" today!

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Vescovo Buonarroti Art, LLC


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