Significant savings on airfare can still be found during Thanksgiving week – overseas!

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SALT LAKE CITY — Year after year, the Sunday after Thanksgiving is the year's busiest day to fly. The days around Thanksgiving are pretty jam-packed, too. So, by the law of supply and demand, it would make sense that the cost to fly would significantly surge around the popular day of gratitude. Mostly, that's true.

But Katy Nastro of the travel website Going says if you want to ditch Mom, Dad and Grandma this year, there's a chance to save.

"It's actually one of the best times out of the entire year to consider international travel because of the savings," Nastro said.

It's true!

The KSL Investigators searched and found a few international deals over the week of Thanksgiving. For example, you could travel from Salt Lake City to Mexico City for only $367. The normal price for that fare hovers around $560. For $555 you can get a ticket from here to Zurich, Switzerland, which usually runs $900, or more. Or go to Montreal – where the U.S. dollar can go pretty far – for only $323 compared to the usual $600 area.

Nastro said people are so busy traveling domestically at Thanksgiving that practically no one thinks about those trips out of the country. Yet, the planes are still flying their international routes.

"It's really those international flights that U.S. operators, specifically, are just not able to fill because there are so many people moving around the country seeing family and friends," Nastro said.

These savings are unique to Thanksgiving since Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday. You're not going to find the same sort of price breaks around Christmas time or during New Year's as folks all over the world will travel for those holidays.

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Matt Gephardt, KSL-TVMatt Gephardt
Matt Gephardt has worked in television news for more than 20 years, and as a reporter since 2010. He is now a consumer investigative reporter for KSL TV. You can find Matt on Twitter at @KSLmatt or email him at Beyond Business Beyond Series

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