Have You Seen This? Mama duck escorts ducklings through school

A mother duck leads her brood through Bozeman High School in Bozeman, Montana, May 1.

A mother duck leads her brood through Bozeman High School in Bozeman, Montana, May 1. (ViralHog)

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BOZEMAN, Mont. — School hallways are pretty empty now, due to summer break. But it was a different story last month when a mother duck escorted her ducklings straight through the corridor of a high school in Montana.

"Most every year at Bozeman High School, a mother duck nests in our courtyard," a school employee wrote about the May 1 event. "When her eggs hatch and her ducklings are ready, she leads them to the courtyard door, letting us know she is ready to take her babies out into the world."

School workers then open the doors, and video shows them watching with care as the mother leads her brood to the creek that runs in front of the school.

"What a loving and sweet mama!" one commenter said.

Smart, too. A similar post from 2017 says the momma duck actually knocked on the back door with her bill until school workers let her in.

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Linda Williams is a web producer at KSL.com, helping to select and curate the stories published on the website each day. She has had an extensive career in Utah news.
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