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A Legislative Wish List

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With the Utah State Legislature set to convene on Monday, may we put forth a partial wish list for the annual 45-day session!

Foremost, we wish for more genuine cooperation and less caustic contention among those elected to represent the interests of Utahns. Let there be a resurgence of the art of political compromise along with a decline in the partisan and ideological strife that infected recent sessions.

Along with that, we wish for more openness, which translates to fewer decisions being made behind closed door in various caucuses. We wish lawmakers would give serious consideration to ethics reform because their failure to properly police themselves leaves the door open for influence peddling and other abuses that some may not be able to resist.

We wish for wise use of the budget surplus, realistic long-term solutions to issues related to the state’s burgeoning growth, and a generous pay increase for public employees, especially teachers.

And we wish the Banks and the Credit Unions would deep-six their ongoing battle and spare lawmakers and the public another onslaught of advertising and time-wasting debate over an issue of relatively little widespread consequence.

Those are some of KSL’s wishes. It’s not too much to hope for, is it?

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