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Psychic Makes Predictions for Utah in 2004

Kimberly Houk reporting It's the time of year for making predictions, and we heard today from a "professional predictor", or a "psychic," as he likes to be called. As he peers into the future, he sees a bright outlook for 2004.

I asked him to predict who Utah's next governor will be, and he says he's 85% sure it's going to still be Olene Walker.

The man who's making these predictions is Grant Gudmundsen. He lives here in Salt Lake City, and he's been predicting the future for the past 30 years.

One of the predictions he's making for Utah is, he says this spring... a large financial company will be moving to Salt Lake City.

Grant Gudmundson, Psychic: "I would say a major institution that will come along at the end of spring that will be having a hard look at Utah, and will very likely be settling just south of SLC. "

And that's not the only good news for Utah this year. Gudmundsen also says we'll continue to have a very wet winter, helping Utah's drought condition.

Grant Gudmundson, Psychic: "I believe overall in this year we will be up to about 86% of being out of the drought. now how is that for specific. "

He says the wet winter will also spare Utah this summer from major wildfires. But he says the Farmington area up towards Sardine Canyon may still flare up this summer.

But he says overall this should be an environmentally and financially good year for Utah.