Estimated read time: 1-2 minutes
THE LAKE — Here's another entry for the "I can't believe that just happened" file. You know, those scenarios that seem so unlikely that you don't even fear them.
Like when my co-worker accidentally dropped her keys as she was getting into the elevator in our office. She'd gotten into that elevator thousands of times during her time working at the office and she'd never dropped her keys before. She might've had dozens of things on her mind when she stepped into the elevator that day, none of which included, "I hope I don't drop my keys — and then they fall down into the elevator shaft." But that's exactly what happened.
Her keys somehow fit through the tiny gap between the elevator and the floor, dropping into oblivion. I know some people worry about their keys falling through drainage grates when they're walking along the street, but at least that seems somewhat likely. Having your keys fall through a gap of less than half an inch? That just seems almost impossible.
I thought of that unlikely moment when I saw this video, shot on a frozen lake in Michigan.
The other thing I thought about after watching this video? How hard it is to not laugh when something bad happens to your buddy. You can see the guy's fishing buddy makes a valiant effort after the phone disappears into the drink, but eventually, he loses control.
That's a tough position to be in. I respect the friend for holding out as long as he did.
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