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Conference focuses on doing business with the Utah Hispanic community

Conference focuses on doing business with the Utah Hispanic community


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With the Hispanic American market expanding rapidly, now is the perfect time for entrepreneurs to tap into this vibrant and lucrative segment. According to recent data from Statista, the Hispanic consumer market in the U.S. alone is projected to exceed $2.7 trillion by 2025. This highlights the significant business potential both domestically and in Hispanic countries worldwide.

To help businesses navigate these promising international opportunities, Utah Valley University (UVU) and the Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (UHCC) are hosting the Doing Business with the Hispanic World: Challenges and Opportunities Conference.

Scheduled for Sept. 12, this conference setting will be the Grand Ballroom of the Sorensen Student Center at UVU from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Its purpose is to provide entrepreneurs, business leaders and industry professionals with crucial insights and practical strategies for engaging with Hispanic markets outside the U.S.

Here's why you won't want to miss it.

Insightful discussions with international delegates

One of the main features of the conference is the interactive roundtable discussion. As an attendee, you'll get the chance to talk directly with diplomats and business experts from countries like Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and El Salvador. This is a great opportunity to learn about investments, market conditions and what makes businesses successful in these areas.

Addressing challenges and exploring opportunities

The conference will also explore the challenges and opportunities of doing business with Hispanic markets. Attendees will learn about key trends and market details that can help them make smart decisions and create successful strategies. This session is designed to give participants the knowledge they need to effectively navigate and take advantage of the growing Hispanic American market.

Conference focuses on doing business with the Utah Hispanic community
Photo: Marcos Castillo/

Free attendance with limited space

If you'd like to attend the conference, admission is free — but space is limited, so early registration is the best way to secure your spot. UHCC and UVU hope that all interested participants have the chance to benefit from the expert insights and networking opportunities provided.

To register, click here.

Why attend the Doing Business with the Hispanic World conference?

The Doing Business with the Hispanic World: Challenges and Opportunities Conference is a valuable event for anyone interested in tapping into the Hispanic American market. Don't miss this chance to gain crucial insights, make meaningful connections and explore new business opportunities!

If you're still on the fence about attending, here are some great reasons to register right away:

Expand your network. Networking is critical for entrepreneurs who want their businesses to thrive! This conference helps you connect with key players in the Hispanic business community and build relationships that could lead to future partnerships.

Gain expert insights. Learn from diplomats and commercial experts about investment opportunities and market conditions in Hispanic countries.

Understand market dynamics. Explore the challenges and opportunities of doing business in a rapidly growing market so you can make informed decisions and strategize effectively.

Engage in interactive learning. Participate in engaging discussions that provide practical knowledge and actionable strategies for international business success.

For more details and to register, visit the official event page.

About the Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

The Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement and success of Hispanic-owned businesses in Utah. Since 1991, the Chamber has been a leader in fostering economic development, offering resources and support for entrepreneurs and advocating for policies that benefit the Hispanic business community.

To members of Utah's Hispanic community, the Chamber says, "We are committed to constant support, providing value in everything we do, and empowering you as part of Utah's successful and growing community. This is a time of opportunities, new beginnings, growth and mutual support."

The Chamber continues, "As members of the vibrant Hispanic community, we are not just friends and entrepreneurs but a united force that has chosen Utah as our launchpad for success. Together, we are pursuing fulfillment and self-sufficiency and contributing to the community and our prosperity."

If you are a Hispanic business owner or entrepreneur, the Chamber invites you to unite with fellow community members and play a vital role in this dynamic growth. Your contribution is not just valuable — it's essential. By coming together, Hispanic businesses can strengthen, support and inspire one another to reach their goals.

To learn more about membership and upcoming events, visit or follow the Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on Facebook.

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Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce


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