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Dads say the darndest things, don't they?
Though they might make the kids groan, it's the classic sayings like that make a man — a dad.
Here are some phrases, exclamations and nuggets of wisdom that only dads say. Maybe you've heard them from your dad, a relative, a neighbor or a friend's dad, but chances are you'll be nodding your head in agreement.
'Don't make me turn this car around.'
Everyone's been on that vacation — siblings fighting in the back, traffic settling in, you know how it goes. Dads love to say this phrase when things are getting out of control and they've been driving for way too long.
'Hi hungry, I'm dad.'
Dads love to say this phrase when their kids are complaining about being hungry, tired or just about anything else. It's bound to bring a smile to his face, as he beams with pride at the joke he's just made, while the kids will inevitably groan and get even more irritable.
'I'm not sleeping, I'm just resting my eyes.'
Dads don't like to admit they're tired, so for them, a nap is just a "rest for their eyes" — usually followed up by a thunderous snore. This phrase is more likely to happen especially when a show is playing on the TV.
'Early bird gets the worm.'
Dads want their kids to be proactive and take the initiative, so they love this classic phrase — even if their kids don't.
'What's the damage?' when getting a bill.
This one is especially good at restaurants. Just wait for the bill to come and see if your dad doesn't say this exact phrase as he accepts the sticker shock.
'Listen here, buckaroo.'
You know things are about to get serious when dad whips this phrase out of his arsenal. Whether you're at the park and refusing to go home or dad's sick of the incessant begging for treats at the grocery store, he means business.
'Don't touch the thermostat.'
Ever finance-conscious, dads hate wasting money, especially when it's easily preventable. Turning the thermostat down in the summer is just asking for a shocking bill. So it's no wonder dads like to remind everyone to leave the thermostat alone!
'Close the door! We're not air conditioning the whole neighborhood!'
Along the same lines, keeping the door shut is any money-savvy dad's priority. Whether the air conditioning is on in the summer, or the heat in the winter, dads are always aware when doors or windows are open a split second longer than they should be.
'It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.'
Being prepared isn't just the scout motto, it's also many dads' mantras, and they have the tools and garage to show it. If you need anything — literally anything — to fix whatever you have, chances are your dad has it.
'It builds character.'
Made famous by Calvin's dad in the "Calvin & Hobbes" comic strip series, dads love to say this whenever their kid is struggling with something, or conditions or circumstances are not ideal. Dads want their kids to be strong, so this phrase is often a favorite.

'Money doesn't grow on trees.'
Another money-related saying, dads love to say this especially when their kids rattle off a list of wants that would bankrupt just about anyone. One walk down the toy aisle with kids will have dads repeating this phrase over and over.
'Let's skedaddle.'
There seems to be no legitimate origin for this one. It was, however, a phrase that the Online Etymology Dictionary said became popular in the Civil War. Of course dads would be saying a slang term popularized more than 150 years ago!
'Son of a gun.'
Another thing that dads love is fake swearing (although dads love real swearing, too). This phrase is just that. But, the Cambridge Dictionary says this phrase could be used as both a compliment and a surprised exclamation — so expect them to use it a lot.
Find the perfect gift for your favorite dad
Just like dads have their favorite chair or favorite spot on the couch, get him a favorite blanket to go with it! Visit today to get your dad a gift he'll use and love every day. Who knows, maybe you'll hear a "Holy mackerel!" when he opens his gift!