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As you're making your summer to-do lists, there's one very important thing you should prioritize for your kids: playtime.
Playtime isn't just for kids to relax and have fun — it's also important for healthy mental and physical development. You can almost think of it as a child's most important job.
Dr. Kenneth R. Ginsburg explains why.
Writing for the American Academy of Pediatrics, Ginsburg says, "Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development."
The International Journal of Early Childhood Learning (IJEC) identifies seven elements of play that are essential for growth: balancing, sliding, brachiating (hand-over-hand swinging), spinning, climbing, swinging and sensory development.
Here's how your child benefits from each of these playtime elements.
According to a study published on PubMed Central, "Balance skills serve as the basis of all other motor abilities, from basic movements to the most complex motor skills."
Researchers also found a link between body balance and certain mental states, such as depression, anxiety and self-confidence.
To help develop your child's sense of balance, consider putting a teeter-totter in your backyard. Not only will they have a fun time, but you'll get some seriously cute pictures of your kiddos' giggly faces bouncing in the air.
Sliding is another activity that seems like pure fun, but it comes with a whole host of benefits. The IJEC study states that it teaches your child spatial awareness and coordination, which can be helpful when they start to learn handwriting and other classroom skills. As a bonus, it also enhances their balance.
Need a slide for your yard? Check out Lifetime Products array of slides on their website.
You might call it "swinging on the monkey bars," but the scientific term is "brachiating." This helps develop your child's grip and upper body strength as well as confidence and sequential coordination.
Plenty of home playground sets come equipped with monkey bars so your child can practice this essential skill.
Spinning serves a higher purpose than simply making your child dizzy. It helps kids understand and measure energy and movement, which also improves balance and coordination. The study authors also point out that spinning uses both sides of the brain, too, so it can enhance your child's ability to focus.
The obvious benefits of climbing include developing upper and lower body strength, but it can also boost your kid's confidence because it shows them that they're capable of accomplishing something challenging.
Not only can climbing be challenging, but it can be fun. A dome climber can serve as a fun play structure to climb, but also as a source of imagination for play. Is it an igloo? A tent? A house? Only your kids can decide.
Swinging is another element of play that enhances spatial awareness and full-body coordination. By learning how to pump their legs to build momentum, your children are teaching themselves a scientific principle about energy and momentum.
If you want your kids to get outside and play on the swings without needing to pack the family up and travel to the park, consider getting a swingset for your backyard.
Sensory development
Finally, playtime helps with sensory development, or using all five senses to explore the world. If you think back to your elementary recess days, you can probably still remember what the monkey bars felt like or the sensation of going down a slide and having your feet hit the sand or wood chips.
These may not seem like monumental experiences, but the IJEC study says that this type of sensory stimulation helps build neural connections in the brain. This enhances language, learning, problem-solving and social skills.
Outdoor playgrounds provide an excellent opportunity for sensory development. From sets with bridges and multiple slides, to a rock climbing wall and swings, you can find the best fit for your family.
Unlock healthy development with playsets from Lifetime
Lifetime Products doesn't just build playsets. They build pathways to confident and healthy development for growing kids. The Utah-based team designs and constructs each playset around the essential elements of play, ensuring that every product evolves with the child.
From thrilling slides to imaginative forts, Lifetime's playsets offer a diverse range of features to engage and inspire young minds. But it's more than just fun — it's about empowering children to explore, learn and thrive.
Visit any of the six Lifetime store locations in Utah or two in Idaho to pick up a playset today or explore the selection online at