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South Jordan couple celebrates 20th anniversary in 'Jurassic Park' fashion

SOUTH JORDAN – A South Jordan couple is celebrating both their 20th wedding anniversary and the 25th anniversary of “Jurassic Park” in a unique way.

Andy and Amanda Peterson wanted to do something big for their anniversary, so they decided to do a remodel of their master bedroom.

Movies have been a big part of the couple’s lives, and so they decided to decorate with a movie theme. Their door is now the iconic “Jurassic Park” gate. Both Andy and Amanda share a love of the Spielberg dinosaur classic.

“I like to think of the room as sort of a collage of the movie,” Peterson said.

Andy Peterson shows off his newly remodeled "Jurassic Park" bedroom. The classic dinosaur movie-themed room was created in celebration Peterson and his wife's 20th wedding anniversary. (Photo: Ray Boone, KSL TV)
Andy Peterson shows off his newly remodeled "Jurassic Park" bedroom. The classic dinosaur movie-themed room was created in celebration Peterson and his wife's 20th wedding anniversary. (Photo: Ray Boone, KSL TV)

Inside, there are several scenes from the movie painted on the walls. Their headboard is the visitors center; the Tyrannosaurus rex paddock is on another wall. In the bathroom, there’s T-rex shower curtain and shower head.

Both Andy and Amanda worked on the room over the course of several months. He estimates the entire project took between 100 and 200 hours.

“She does woodworking kind of stuff, so she had to help out with cutting out the wood pieces for the gate and the headboard and stuff,” Andy said.

The couple planned to see the latest movie in the series, “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” on Thursday evening. It’s a movie that will remind them of their shared love of the series and that feeling of wonder that began with the first movie 25 years ago.

“Just because my first experience seeing it was such an amazing film-going experience, there’s that memory when I watch it,” Peterson said.