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Have You Seen This? Gang of goats vandalize office

GOATLANDIA — When your shop is vandalized your first thought is that it was probably those no-good youths. But look at the security footage and you might find out it's those no good goats.

These ragtag group of hooligan goats led by their boss Billy Rammington apparently got bored one night and decided busting up the windows on the front of Argonics' Colorado office was a good way to pass the time. So that's exactly what these ruffian goats did. Senseless vandalism is never the answer goats; never.

The truth is these are just goats. Apparently, employees in the office thought someone had tried to break in and when they looked at the security footage they were not expecting to see these goats. I doubt the animal broke the glass just to be a jerk, but watching his buddies run off behind him in the video, I couldn't help but think of a bunch of kids egging their friend on to "do it" and then running away when he actually does it.

Yesterday's Have You Seen This?

There probably was no "goading" (get it) going on, but more likely than not, the goat thought he saw something delicious in there, like a stapler, and decided he needed it.

Whatever the reason for the destruction, it's a pretty impressive video, and it's OK to laugh because the office owners found the humor in it as well.