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Here is the latest Nevada news from The Associated Press

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — Nevada lawmakers hold a hearing today on a bill that would allow guns to be kept in locked or occupied cars on school grounds. Current Nevada law makes it a misdemeanor to possess firearms on school grounds with certain exceptions.

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — A Republican-sponsored bill would give Democrats the school construction funding they want, but weaken wage rules that unions like. The measure being head by a committee today would give school boards the authority to continue issuing bonds beyond the time period approved by voters.

LAS VEGAS (AP) — A son of southern Nevada rancher and states' rights advocate Cliven Bundy could learn today whether he's going to prison for violating probation in a felony plea deal. Lance Bundy faces two to eight years in prison on a February 2013 guilty plea in a burglary and weapon theft case.

LAS VEGAS (AP) — A former Nevada lawmaker whose arrests and expulsion from the Legislature drew intense interest two years ago has been sentenced to three years' probation on a felony gun charge. A judge in Las Vegas told Steven Brooks he'll spend the first six months in intensive supervision to ensure he remains sober, takes prescription medications and obtains mental health evaluation and treatment. The probation runs concurrent with a separate three-year probation sentence in a domestic violence case.

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