To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to nominate Kirstin Reed, a 6th grade teacher at Knowlton Elementary, for your "Teacher Feature Award."
Two of my children have had the privilege of being taught by Mrs. Reed and they both have had an incredible 6th grade year. Within the first week of school my son said, "For the first time in my life and can honestly say that I like school." This attitude has continued throughout this year. He is so excited to come home and share with me what he had learned especially in science. She has an intriguing way of teaching this subject, which can sometimes be difficult to understand. She spends her summers thinking up new and exciting ways to teach her curriculum. My children enjoy her because she shares personal experiences about her youth that they can often times relate to. When you pass by her classroom you will almost always hear laughter.
I appreciate her taking the time to send home weekly progress reports. These reports are usually four pages long and illustrate each assignment and test given in every subject so that I can see my child's progress. The teachers are only required to hold two parent teacher conferences during the school year but she holds three. When we meet together she is very positive and yet can bring out areas that need to be worked on in a very constructive way. I feel like she knows my child personally and is very interested in how he is progressing and what she can do to help.
My son, who is looking forward to attending junior high this fall made the comment that he is excited for junior high but he wishes he could take Mrs. Reed along with him. My daughter, who is in the 9th grade, likes to return to Knowlton for and occasional visit with Mrs. Reed. It is teachers like this that make a difference in our children's lives---teachers who make school fun and educational, who deeply care about their students, and leave a lasting impression.
I hope that you sincerely consider Kirstin Reed for this award as she is so deserving of it.
Sincerely, Tracy Riley