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"AD" nauseum

I don't care which side of the issue you're on, the campaign over vouchers has been one of the most annoying I've seen. That's saying something for someone who's covered politics from California to Tennessee to Utah for 30 plus years. Every time I hear one of the spots I want to bash myself in the head with a sock full of quarters. There has been so much misrepresentation on both sides I can't believe either. I don't care if Mitt Romney is in favor of vouchers and I don't care if the "access of evil" Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, and the ACLU are against them. I'll think for myself think you very much. And it seems disingenuous for both sides to take an objective analysis of those commercials by my friends and colleagues at channel 5 and spin it out of context for their own purposes.

The most objective assessment of the issue I've seen is in the Voter Information Pamphlet send out by the state. Read the Legislative Fiscal Analyst's report and then the pro and con arguments. I know there are passionate supporters on both sides. But vouchers probably are not the panacea for solving all the problems in our education system and vouchers probably are not the end of the world for public education. The problem with these negative campaigns is that people get so fed up with them they don't vote. And we need to vote. There are not only critical ballot issues but races for mayors and city councils, the government closest to the people. So I'll hold my nose for a few more days and go to the polls. And if you don't go vote and then whine about the outcome, I have a sock full of quarters waiting for you.