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Kaysville Man Grows Giant Pumpkins

Alex Cabrero reporting Pretty colors, colder weather: all sure signs of Fall.

So, are pumpkins, but most are not like this.

Michele Barney: "It's a lot of fun. Halloween is the best time of the year."

Kaysville Man Grows Giant Pumpkins

There aren't too many things you can carve, light, eat, and bake.

"Kids love pumpkins."

There's something about a bunch of pumpkins.

"They just go nuts.

Charlie Brown and his great pumpkin patch have nothing on Kaysville's Gordon Tanner.

Gordon Tanner: "I've been doing it on and off for about ten years."

But in the past couple of years, his seeds have really taken off.

Gordon Tanner: "I trade with growers from all over the world."

Kaysville Man Grows Giant Pumpkins

Last Fall, one of his giant pumpkins set the Utah state record at 906 pounds! This year, he thinks he has it beat... barely.

Gordon Tanner: "This one is estimated at 910 pounds."

Estimated, because you don't know for sure.

"Hold it right there."

You can't weigh it in the backyard, so you have to measure it. A formula gives you an idea.

"And what is it? 167. 167 inches in circumference."

The big weigh off is this coming Saturday, where lots of pumpkin lovers will compete for top dog, urr, pumpkin.

Gordon Tanner: "We have a group. It's called the Utah Giant Pumpkin Growers."

Kaysville Man Grows Giant Pumpkins

It's competitive, but they share secrets and techniques. Next year, Tanners' daughter will give it a try.

Sharlie Tanner, Future Giant Pumpkin Grower: "I already know all his secrets. I'm just not allowed to tell."

Some things, you just can't share, except time together.

Gordon Tanner: "It's just a lot of fun. It's a good way for the kids and for the family to have fun, and we just love it."

The world record for a pumpkin is 1469 pounds, set in Pennsylvania. That's 500 more than Tanner's.

Of course, like in any sport, there's always next year.